
Calibration Management System You Will Love

We offer you a new generation of AI & Blockchain enabled Calibration Management System. Calibrate, manage & track all your jobs in one flexible tool.

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Largest companies use our tool to work efficiently

Optimise Operations & Processes


AI-Powered Data Entry

Calibra employs AI technology to streamline and optimise data entry processes, enhancing efficiency and accuracy in capturing observation data.


Blockchain-Backed Certificates

Calibra utilises blockchain technology to issue secure and tamper-proof calibration certificates, enhancing trust and transparency in the certification process.


Uncertainty Calculation

Calibra calculates Uncertainty and Budgeting Automatically.


Job Analytics

Track your Job Status from SRF Entry to Certification.Keep track of metrics and job analytics.


Renewal Reminders

Get email and in system reminders for renewal of Masters and Customer Certificates..


Duplicate Certificates

A software with the power of Excel that helps you duplicate Certificates so you can only change data that needs changing


Teams and User Access Control

Control User Access, manage teams and keep track of all KRA's and KPI's.


Support 24/7

Our team is available round the clock to assist you in any hiccups and ensure certificate delivery.


Secure Cloud Architecture

Your Data is more secure in cloud than it is offline. You control access, manage document ownership and can back up from cloud anytime.

Calibra will help ypu optimise your tasks by going Digital and Optimised

We make sure you face none of the problems you have been facing so far. A solution created by developers but designed by Laboratory Technicals.

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Manage Your Jobs

  • Bulk Download generated certificates
  • Manage Jobs in Multiple Dashboards
  • Every User Profile has a separate view
  • Powerful Certificate reminders
  • Manage registers and Logbooks
Start calibrating

Disciplines Covered

Electro Technical and Thermal

Calibra facilitates accurate calibration for Electrotechnical (ET) and Thermal equipment, encompassing RTDs, thermocouples, humidity sensors, and temperature instruments, to optimize performance across various applications.



In the Mechanical Discipline, Calibra offers precise calibration services tailored to different sub-disciplines. From dimensional metrology to force and torque measurements, our calibration procedures adhere to NABL standards, ensuring the accuracy and reliability of mechanical systems and components.


Mass & Volume

Calibra specialises in meticulous calibration including Weighing Balance calibrations done through E2 Class, F1 Class, F2 Class & M1 Class Standard Weights and Standard Weights calibration done through High Precision Standard Weights and High Precision Weighing Balances.


Biomedical & Radiology

In the Biomedical field, Calibra provides comprehensive calibration capabilities for a wide range of medical devices, including infusion pumps, blood pressure monitors, defibrillators, ECG machines, and ventilators. Our calibration procedures adhere to NABL guidelines, ensuring accuracy and reliability in healthcare practices.


Flexible Pricing for You


1 Discipline

Contact Sales Contact Sales

  • 3 Free Users and Single Discipline*
  • Automated Observation Sheets, Uncertainty Budgets and Duplicate Readings
  • In-app Reminders and Mail Reminders
  • Real Time Data Backups and Bulk Job Downloads
  • Documents Customisation

3 Disciplines

Contact Sales Contact Sales

  • 5 Free Users and 3 Disciplines
  • Automated Observation Sheets, Uncertainty Budgets and Duplicate Readings
  • In-app Reminders and Mail Reminders
  • Real Time Data Backups and Bulk Job Downloads
  • Documents Customisation

5 Disciplines

Contact Sales Contact Sales

  • 15 Free Users and 5 Disciplines
  • Automated Observation Sheets, Uncertainty Budgets and Duplicate Readings
  • In-app Reminders and Mail Reminders
  • Real Time Data Backups and Bulk Job Downloads
  • Documents Customisation

All Disciplines

Contact Sales Contact Sales

  • 20 Free Users and All Disciplines
  • Automated Observation Sheets, Uncertainty Budgets and Duplicate Readings
  • In-app Reminders and Mail Reminders
  • Real Time Data Backups and Bulk Job Downloads
  • Documents Customisation

Biomedical or Radiology each

Contact Sales Contact Sales

  • 15 Free Users and 5 Disciplines
  • Automated Observation Sheets, Uncertainty Budgets and Duplicate Readings
  • In-app Reminders and Mail Reminders
  • Real Time Data Backups and Bulk Job Downloads
  • Documents Customisation

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